Sources of Indian constitution

Sources of Indian constitution 

Indian Constitution was also called ‘Bags of borrowing’ because it borrowed provisions form different Country’s constitution. Today we read about the sources of Indian constitution and
of different sources.Our Indian Constitution is world’s lengthiest constitution. We will read about features of our constitution which borrowed from different country’s constitution .

1.Government of India Act 1935:

  The government of India Act 1935, was passed at the time of British government .It was passed in British parliament in August ,1935. It was the longest act passed by British government with 321 sections and 10 schedules.later it was bifurcated in The Government of Indian Act, 1935, and The Government of Burma Act 1935.


Features we borrowed from Government of India Act ,1935

Federal scheme, Office of governor,Judiciary,Public Service Commissions,Emergency provisions and administrative details. 

These features of Our constitution borrowed from Government of India Act 1935.

2.British Constitution

British Constitution is also known as constitution of United Kingdom.It is also known as uncodifide Constitution because it was unwritten agreement that established the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a constitutional bodies.

Features we borrowed from British Constitution 

Parliamentary government,Rule of law,Legislative procedure,Single Citizenship,Cabinet system

 Prerogative writs, Parliamentary privileges and bicameralism.

3.US Constitution 

US constitution is a supreme law of the United States of America. The US constitution was created on 17 September 1787, and  enforced on 4 March 1789.It has 27 Amendments.

Features we borrowed from US Constitution

fundamental rights, independence of judiciary, judicial review, impeachment of the president, removal of Supreme courts and High Court judges and post of vice president.

4. Irish constitution

 The Irish constitution was ratified by the people of Irish In 1937.It Is the fundamental law of the state. it contains 50 article

Features we borrowed from Irish constitution

Directive Principles of state policy,Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha, And method of election of president.

5.Australian constitution

The Constitution of Australia is written constitution. It was ratified on 6 July 1900 and enforced on One January 1901.

features be borrowed from Australian constitution

concurrent list, freedom of trade, Commerce and intercourses, and joint setting of the Houses of Parliament.

6.constitution of Germany

The constitution of Germany was enforced on August 11,1919 by Fredric Ebert, a member of

Social Democratic Party  and provisional president of German Reichstag sign a new constitution.It was also called Weimar constitution of Germany.

Features of Weimar Constitution of Germany 

Suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency.

7.Soviet Constitution (USSR, now  Russia)

The soviet constitution was enacted by Congress of Soviet of the Soviet Union on 5 December 1936 and repealed on 7 October 1977.

Features of Soviet Constitution

Fundamental duties and the ideal of justice (social, economic and political) in the preamble.

8.Canadian constitution 

 The constitution of Canada is a Supreme law in Canada.The constitution of Canada include the Constitution Act 1867 and the Constitution Act ,1982.

Features we borrowed from Canadian Constitution 

Federation With a strong centre ,vesting of residuary powers in the centre, appointment of states governors by the centre and advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

9.French Constitution

The French constitution was ratified on 28 September 1958 and effective from 4 October 1958. It has 24 amendments.

Feature we borrowed from French Constitution 

Republic and the ideals of liberty ,equality and fraternity in the preamble.

10.South African Constitution 

The current constitution of South Africa is the fifth constitution drawn by the parliament. It was enacted in 1994.It was promulgated by President Nelson Mandela on 18 December 1996 and effective from 4 February 1997.

Features we borrowed from South African Constitution 

Procedure for amendment of the constitution and election of members of Rajya Sabha.

11.Japanese Constitution 

The Japanese constitution was effective from 3 may 1947.It is a heavily amended version of the 

Meiji Constitution.

Features we borrowed from Japanese Constitution 

Procedure established by law.



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